Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Article Processing Charges
Open Access publishing does have its costs. Since Open Medical Publishing does not have subscription charges for its research content it can defray publishing costs from the Article Processing Charges (APCs), which cover all services to authors, editorial work, peer-review process, typesetting, formatting and mark-up of articles, rapid publication, different formats of publication (HTML, PDF, XML), submission to several Open Access archives, indexes and catalogs, hosting the articles permanently on dedicated servers, marketing.

During the submission process, the corresponding author is asked to confirm his or her awareness of the applicable APC: if confirmation is not received the submission process cannot be completed. There are no potential authors additional fees based on different editorial issues other than acceptance for publication. Authors are charged the APC upon acceptance and prior to publication. APCs will not be returned when articles are retracted as a consequence of author(s) fault or misconduct.

Editorial ethics
Open Medical Publishing believes that the interests of the scientific community can best be served by an immediate, worldwide, unlimited, open access to the full text of research articles. Information regarding authors’ payment are not made available to editors and reviewers ensuring that they cannot be influenced in their selection of papers for publication by payment conditions or limitations.

When and how to pay
Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified that payment is due via email. We advise prompt payment as we are unable to publish accepted articles until full payment has been received. Payment can be made via Paypal. This is the most recommended and secure payment system. It enables you to pay without sharing your financial information and getting your payment receipt immediately.

Payment Schedule
Original Clinical Research, Systematic Reviews, Narrative Reviews, Meta-Analysis: $1500
Case Reports, Case Series, Letters to the Editor, Images in Practice, Commentary, Infographics: $800